BimPoint WebApi Client
BimPoint services also provide to our clients a full REST WebApi, which can be viewed , production version will be hosted at ; We also provide .NET WebApiClient, which can be downloaded from ;
This documentation describes what is required to use our webapi, how to use most required methods using the WebApiClient;
Before using WebAPI
- Before using BimPoint WebApi, you need to have an account with us and having projects; If you don't have or you want a demo, please contact us ;
- Once you have an account, you should be able to create account and setup permissions, which limit the scope of what can be done via webapi;
- You can either generate a Refresh Token for your dev team or for third parties ( Recommended) or you can provide to them a username and password
You have total control over your data; Developers can do only what you allow them to do via the WebApi; Make sure you setup properly user rights of the user, which will be used in WebApi to avoid any unpleasant surprise
Connecting to WebApi
In order to connect to webapi, you typically need to know
- Your company Url
- The Project Url
- The provided RefreshToken Or UserName/ Password
- The WebApi Url
Getting Token using username / password
ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration = new ServiceConfiguration { BaseUrl = "", Application = "MyLovelyApplication" //strongly recommend to provide you application name }; OAuth2Service oAuth2Service = new OAuth2Service(serviceConfiguration ); BpOAuth2TokenRequest tokenRequest = new BpOAuth2TokenRequest { Application = serviceConfiguration.Application, Email = "", Password = "password", GrantType = BpOAuth2TokenRequest.GrantTypes.Password }; var tokenResponse = await oAuth2Service.GetTokenAsync(tokenRequest);
The tokenResponse will contain the a refreshtoken, expiration date and also real token
Token Expirations
- Refresh token expires after 3 months
- The token expires after 1hour
Getting Token using refreshtoken
OAuth2Service oAuth2Service = new OAuth2Service(serviceConfiguration ); BpOAuth2TokenRequest tokenRequest = new BpOAuth2TokenRequest { Application = serviceConfiguration.Application, RefreshToken= "myrefreshtoken", GrantType = BpOAuth2TokenRequest.GrantTypes.RefreshToken}; var tokenResponse = await oAuth2Service.GetTokenAsync(tokenRequest);
Searching for IfcItem
The most probable activity you will be doing is searching for an IfcItem; Before being able to search for ifcitems of a project, you need to understand the structure of each ifcitem.
- A project is made of one or multiple ifc files
- Each Ifc File is made of several Objects with different types, which we call in our application : IfcItem
- Each IfcItem has common properties such as Id, Label, Name , GlobalId and Type.
- Each IfcItem has a set of various properties;
- Each property is characterized by Key, Name, Category and ValueType
- In BimPoint, Each IfcItem can have two different kinds of set of properties
- READONLY properties ; these are properties extracted from Ifc File and their keys start with "pXXXX", ie p2, p3
- READWRITE properties; these properties are user properties defined by user in our system; their keys start with "upXXXX" i.e up1, up252
To search in BimPoint application, you need to know the key of each property, category and their valuetype in order to build your queries
Finding IfcItem Property Categories
Before searching, it is good to know all IfcItem Property categories; they don't change very often so you can cache them in your own database.
serviceConfiguration.Token = tokenResponse.Token; var categoryService = new IfcItemPropertyCategoryService(serviceConfiguration, projectUrl); var search = new BpIfcItemPropertyCategorySearch { Take = 50, Skip =0, GetCount = true // this will give the total }; var result = await this.ifcItemPropertyCategoryService.FindAsync(search);
Finding IfcItem Properties
Once you know the categories, you can also find the properties of specific category (optional); Getting properties is important as it will allow you to know the key of each of them
serviceConfiguration.Token = tokenResponse.Token; var ifcItemPropertyService = new IfcItemPropertyService(serviceConfiguration, projectUrl); // The BpIfcItemPropertySearch has more option which can find var search = new BpIfcItemPropertySearch { Take = 50, GetCount = true, Categories = new List<string>{"Object"} // this is optional }; var result = await ifcItemPropertyService.FindAsync(search); //The above code will return properties in categories Object. you have full info about each returned property
Finding IfcItemUserProperty Categories and Properties
Similar to readonly properties and categories, you can also find the user properties and categories
serviceConfiguration.Token = tokenResponse.Token; var userCategoryService= new IfcItemUserPropertyCategoryService(serviceConfiguration, projectUrl); var ifcItemUserPropertyService =new IfcItemUserPropertyService(serviceConfiguration, projectUrl); var search = new BpIfcItemUserPropertyCategorySearch { Take = 50, Skip =0, GetCount = true // this will give the total }; var result = await this.userCategoryService.FindAsync(search); //get user properties of the project var result2 = await ifcItemUserPropertyService.FindAsync(new BpIfcItemUserPropertySearch { Active = true, GetCount = true, Categories = new List<string> { "CEO" }, Take = 10 });
Finding IfcItems
Once you know properties, categories , user properties and user property categories, finding IfcItem is easy; The Search object provides great flexibility;
Property keys
- Remember, in criterias or properties to be returned, property keys are either Pxxx or UPXXX
- We have well known properties keys such as : "name", "label", "globalid", "id", "type"
Example 1 : Find All With Criteria Include Properties By Categories
//given that the serviceConfiguration is properly initialized as above var ifcItemService = new IfcItemService(serviceConfiguration, projectUrl); // Example find with criteria and include properties withing specific categories var searchObject = new BpIfcItemSearch { Take = 10, GetCount = true }; searchObject.Criterias.Add(new BpIfcItemSearchCriteria { Key = "type",// well known key Value = "IfcFlowSegment", Operator = BpIfcItemSearchCriteriaOperator.Eq }); //Properties to be returned are by specified categories searchObject.IfcPropertiesOption.Include = BpIfcItemPropertyOptionInclude.Categories; //when include is categories, then we will return properties within the categories below; all are key sensitive. searchObject.IfcPropertiesOption.Categories = new List<string> { "Object", "Elektroinstalace" }; var result = await this.ifcItemService.FindAsync(searchObject);
Example 2: Find All With Criteria. Include specifics properties, user properties and calculate Sum of some properties number properties
var searchObject = new BpIfcItemSearch { Take = 10, GetCount = true }; searchObject.Criterias.Add(new BpIfcItemSearchCriteria { Key = "p412", Value = 0, Operator = BpIfcItemSearchCriteriaOperator.Gt }); searchObject.IfcPropertiesOption.Include = BpIfcItemPropertyOptionInclude.Keys; // we want to include specific properties searchObject.IfcPropertiesOption.Keys = new List<string> { "p411", "p778", "p413", "p419", "p422", "p426" }; searchObject.SumUpPropertyKeys = new List<string> {"p411", "p778", "p413", "p419", "p422", "p426"};// we want also to calculate the sum of listed properties searchObject.UserPropertiesOption.Include = BpIfcItemPropertyOptionInclude.Keys; // we want to include specific user properties searchObject.UserPropertiesOption.Keys = new List<string> {"up16", "up3"}; var result = await this.ifcItemService.FindAsync(searchObject);
Practical Info
Property | Note |
GlobalIds | list of unique identifiers you want to limit the search too |
Ids | list of unique ids you want to limit the search to; the ids are internal ids generated by our application; this can change whenever the ifc files are reimport |
Labels | internal ids used in the graphical representation in our main applications; |
Criterias | List of criterias; all criterias are executed using AND operators |
IfcPropertiesOption | Allow you to specific which properties to be included : either you specifically list keys or categories or none of them (which is default) |
UserPropertiesOption | Allow you to specific which user properties to be included: either by keys, categories or none |
SumUpPropertyKeys | It will calculates the sum of specified keys; only number types |
GetCount | if you want us to give you the total count , set this value to true |
Take | how many row you want back |
Skip | From which number you want the take to start from |
SortBy | Expected a property key |
OrderBy | asc or desc |
public class BpIfcItemSearchCriteriaOperator { public const string Contains = "contains"; public const string Eq = "eq"; public const string Exists = "exists"; public const string Gt = "gt"; public const string Gte = "gte"; public const string Lt = "lt"; public const string Lte = "lte"; public const string Ne = "ne"; public const string StartWith = "startwith"; }
public class BpIfcItemPropertyOptionInclude { public static List<string> AllValids = new List<string> { All, None, Categories, Keys }; public const string All = "all"; public const string None = "none"; public const string Categories = "categories"; public const string Keys = "keys"; }
IfcItem Types
The list of ifcitem types are per ifc specification and it can be found here
User Properties Management
If your permissions allow you, you should be able to create user properties for the project; User properties are grouped by Category and SubCategory; Your permission may allow you to only create user properties of specific categories only; SubCategories can be freely defined and they are used mainly to organize displaying in our main application
To create and query user properties, you need to use IfcItemUserPropertyService
var ifcItemUserPropertyService = new IfcItemUserPropertyService(serviceConfiguration, projectUrl); // to get one user proper info knowing the key var udp = await ifcItemUserPropertyService.GetAsync("up1"); //to create a new user property var newUdp = new BpNewIfcItemUserProperty { Name = "Project Start Date", Active = true, Category = "Global", // the default Category of user property; this value depends on your permissions SubCategory = "Dates", // free text ValueType = "date", Index = 10 // display order in UI }; var createdUpd = await ifcItemUserPropertyService.CreateAsync(newUdp);
Set / Update User Properties Value of IfcItems
User properties of IfcItem ( started with UPxxx) can also be updated via API; All depends of your permissions; We require the GlobalId as the unique identifier of the each element to be updated;
Update one
//Let find a random item where we want to update the user properties var searchObject = new BpIfcItemSearch { Take = 1, GetCount = false }; //let get only the user properties keys we want to update searchObject.UserPropertiesOption.Include = BpIfcItemPropertyOptionInclude.Keys; searchObject.UserPropertiesOption.Keys = new List<string> { "up15", "up1", "up2", "up5" }; var result = await this.ifcItemService.FindAsync(searchObject); var ifcItem = result.Items[0]; //let update the value of the user properties with random numbers var propertyValue = new BpIfcItemUserPropertyValue(); var now = DateTime.UtcNow; propertyValue.GlobalId = ifcItem.GlobalId; //this is required propertyValue.Properties["up15"] = new Random().Next(1000); // up15 is an integer propertyValue.Properties["up1"] = "Inv" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //string propertyValue.Properties["up2"] = "Klic" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //string propertyValue.Properties["up5"] = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddHours(now.Hour).AddMinutes(now.Minute); // a date //Update that items; when success, 200 Code is returned so no exeption var UpdateResponse = await this.ifcItemService.UpdateAsync(propertyValue); //Let get back the ifcitem and check if values where really updated searchObject.GlobalIds = new List<string> { ifcItem.GlobalId }; // that is how we get specific item var result2 = await this.ifcItemService.FindAsync(searchObject); var ifcItemUpdated = result2.Items[0]; Assert.Equal(Convert.ToInt32(propertyValue.Properties["up15"]), Convert.ToInt32(ifcItemUpdated.Properties["up15"])); Assert.Equal(propertyValue.Properties["up1"], ifcItemUpdated.Properties["up1"]); Assert.Equal(propertyValue.Properties["up2"], ifcItemUpdated.Properties["up2"]); Assert.Equal(propertyValue.Properties["up5"], ifcItemUpdated.Properties["up5"]);
Bulk Updates
If you have multiple items to be updated , Bulk is suitable method for you
//let randomly find 10 items which we will update user properties using bulk method var searchObject = new BpIfcItemSearch { Take = 10, GetCount = false }; //let include only user properties which we want to updates searchObject.UserPropertiesOption.Include = BpIfcItemPropertyOptionInclude.Keys; searchObject.UserPropertiesOption.Keys = new List<string> { "up15", "up1", "up2", "up5" }; //find var result = await this.ifcItemService.FindAsync(searchObject); //let create the BpBulkIfcItemPropertyValue object which is used for bulk operation BpBulkIfcItemPropertyValue bpBulkIfcItemPropertyValue = new BpBulkIfcItemPropertyValue(); //let update the 10 items with random values var rand = new Random(10); foreach (var ifcItem in result.Items) { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; //one update var propertyValue = new BpIfcItemUserPropertyValue(); propertyValue.GlobalId = ifcItem.GlobalId; //always required propertyValue.Properties["up15"] = rand.Next(1000); propertyValue.Properties["up1"] = "Inv" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); propertyValue.Properties["up2"] = "Klic" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); propertyValue.Properties["up5"] = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddHours(now.Hour).AddMinutes(now.Minute).AddSeconds(now.Second); // Add to bulk bpBulkIfcItemPropertyValue.Items[ifcItem.GlobalId] = propertyValue; } //Execute bulk operation var bulkUpdateResponse = await this.ifcItemService.BulkUpdateAsync(bpBulkIfcItemPropertyValue); //When the operation success, items is always empty; otherwise, it will contain the result of each element so you can know which one successes, which one fails Assert.Empty(bulkUpdateResponse.Items); //Let read back the updated items searchObject.GlobalIds = bpBulkIfcItemPropertyValue.Items.Keys.ToList(); var result2 = await this.ifcItemService.FindAsync(searchObject); foreach(var ifcItemUpdated in result2.Items) { var propertyValue = bpBulkIfcItemPropertyValue.Items[ifcItemUpdated.GlobalId]; Assert.Equal(Convert.ToInt32(propertyValue.Properties["up15"]), Convert.ToInt32(ifcItemUpdated.Properties["up15"])); Assert.Equal(propertyValue.Properties["up1"], ifcItemUpdated.Properties["up1"]); Assert.Equal(propertyValue.Properties["up2"], ifcItemUpdated.Properties["up2"]); Assert.Equal(propertyValue.Properties["up5"], ifcItemUpdated.Properties["up5"]); }
If you have any issues using the webapi client, drop an email to